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Plastisol Inks
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Plastisol Inks (STD)
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Black Plastisol Ink (STD)
Grey Plastisol Ink (STD)
Voilet Plastisol Ink (STD)
T Blue Plastisol Ink (STD)
Dark Green Plastisol Ink (STD)
Rama Green Plastisol Ink (STD)
Parrot Green Plastisol Ink (STD)
Rani Plastisol Ink (STD)
Golden Yellow Plastisol Ink (STD)
Lemon Yellow Plastisol Ink (STD)
Orange Plastisol Ink (STD)
Royal Blue Plastisol Ink (STD)
Navy Blue Plastisol Ink (STD)
Red Plastisol Ink (STD)
White Plastisol Ink (STD)
Plastisol Inks (DM)
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Black Plastisol Ink (DM)
White Plastisol Ink (DM)
Red Plastisol Ink (DM)
Navy Blue Plastisol Ink (DM)
Royal Blue Plastisol Ink (DM)
Orange Plastisol Ink (DM)
Lemon Yellow Plastisol Ink (DM)
Golden Yellow Plastisol Ink (DM)
Rani Plastisol Ink (DM)
Parrot Green Plastisol Ink (DM)
Rama Green Plastisol Ink (DM)
Dark Green Plastisol Ink (DM)
T Blue Plastisol Ink (DM)
Voilet Plastisol Ink (DM)
Grey Plastisol Ink (DM)
Plastisol Inks (Super)
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Black Plastisol Ink (Super)
White Plastisol Ink (Super)
Plastisol Fluorescent Inks
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Green Plastisol Fluorescent Ink (STD)
Orange Plastisol Fluorescent Ink (STD)
Yellow Plastisol Fluorescent Ink (STD)
Rani Plastisol Fluorescent Ink (STD)
Royal Blue Plastisol Fluorescent Ink (STD)
Green Plastisol Fluorescent Ink (DM)
Orange Plastisol Fluorescent Ink (DM)
Yellow Plastisol Fluorescent Ink (DM)
Rani Plastisol Fluorescent Ink (DM)
Royal Blue Plastisol Fluorescent Ink (DM)
Textile Metallic Inks
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Gold Water Based Metallic Zari Ink
Silver Water Based Metallic Zari Ink
Metallic Silver Plastisol Zari Ink
Metallic Gold Plastisol Zari Ink
Metallic Silver Plastisol Ink
Metallic Gold Plastisol Ink
Night Glow Reflective Ink
Additive Textile Chemicals
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Discharge Gel Paste
Hot Melt Powder
Night Glow Inks
Silicone Inks
Plastisol Ink Reducer
HD (High Density) Gel Paste
Foil Gel Paste
Textile Foil Gel Paste
Water Based Puff Additive
Oil Based Plastisol Puff Additive
Textile Bonding Chemical
Water Based Inks – Table Printing
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Stretch Khadi Printing Paste – Ink
Table Gum For Screen Printing
Textile Bonding Chemical
TKF | Pigment Printing Thickener
Water Based Gold Ink
Water Based Ink Binder
Water Based Ink Binder 4000
Water Based Ink Binder 9400
Water Based Ink Fixer
Water Based Puff Additive
Water Based Puff Additive – Electron
Water Based Silver Ink
Water Based Textile Screen Printing Squeege (Stopper)
White Manual Crack Khadi Printing Paste
Textile Pigment Inks
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Pidilite Black NGB Texcron Pigment Emulsion, Bottle, 1Kg
Pidilite Black GG Texcron Pigment Emulsion, Bottle, 1Kg
Pidilite Red FSC Texcron Pigment Emulsion, Bottle, 1Kg
Pidilite Royel Blue B Texcron Pigment Emulsion, Bottle, 1Kg
Pidilite T Blue Terquoise Texcron Pigment Emulsion, Bottle, 1Kg
Pidilite Navy Blue Texcron Pigment Emulsion, Bottle, 1Kg
Pidilite Brown Gr Texcron Pigment Emulsion, Bottle, 1Kg
Pidilite G Yellow Texcron Pigment Emulsion, Bottle, 1Kg
Pidilite L Yellow Texcron Pigment Emulsion, Bottle, 1Kg
Pidilite Rubain Texcron Pigment Emulsion, Bottle, 1Kg
Pidilite Green G Texcron Pigment Emulsion, Bottle, 1Kg
Pidilite Maroon Texcron Pigment Emulsion, Bottle, 1Kg
Pidilite Popty Ink Texcron Pigment Emulsion, Bottle, 1Kg
Pidilite Pink C Texcron Pigment Emulsion, Bottle, 1Kg
Pidilite Brown Mb Texcron Pigment Emulsion, Bottle, 1Kg
Pidilite Voilet Mb Texcron Pigment Emulsion, Bottle, 1Kg
Pidilite Orange G Texcron Pigment Emulsion, Bottle, 1Kg
Textile Screen Printing Accessories
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Pantone Formula Guide
Heat Transfer Paper
Sublimation Paper
Aluminium Textile Screen Printing Squeege (Stopper)
Water Based Textile Screen Printing Squeege (Stopper)
Oil Based Textile Screen Printing Squeege (Stopper)
Frame Angle – Textile Screen Printing
Ribit – Textile Screen Printing Frame
Frame Gitti – Textile Screen Printing
Nut Washer – Textile Screen Printing Frame
27 inch X 36 inch Textile Screen Printing Frame
27 inch X 27 inch Textile Screen Printing Frame
Small Size Textile Screen Printing Frame
Teflon Matt Fusing Paper
Teflon Dot Fusing Paper
Textile Printing Foils
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Single Colored Textile Foil
Multi Colored Textile Foil
Golden Textile Foil
Silver Textile Foil
Printed Textile Foil
Multi-Coloured Printed Foil
Petrol Oil Effect Textile Foil
Multi Design Textile Foil
Product Range
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Plastisol Inks
Textile Metallic Inks
Water Based Inks – Table Printing
Additive Textile Chemicals
Textile Pigment Inks
Textile Printing Foils
Textile Screen Printing Accessories
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Product Range
Plastisol Inks
Plastisol Inks (Super)
White Plastisol Ink (Super)
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Product Range
Plastisol Inks
Plastisol Inks (Super)
White Plastisol Ink (Super)
Product Range
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Plastisol Inks
Textile Metallic Inks
Water Based Inks – Table Printing
Additive Textile Chemicals
Textile Pigment Inks
Textile Printing Foils
Textile Screen Printing Accessories
About Us
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White Plastisol Ink (Super)
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